Monolith Cloud

very quick, very simple and convinient way to store and share small files with others

What is this Project

Monolith Cloud is a tool that allows you to quikly store small files and share them freely without any inconvenience. It is built with Nextjs, tailwind CSS and typescript. It is also hosted on Vercel which provides the storage database and the user database.

This project was made by


Full Stack dev


Full Stack dev

Monolith Cloud Logo


Next.js is a React framework that enables functionality like server-side rendering and routing, allowing for efficient and optimized web applications.

Monolith Cloud Logo


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. It helps catch potential errors during development and enhances code maintainability.

Monolith Cloud Logo

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of low-level utility classes to build designs directly in your markup.

Vercel is a platform for hosting web applications. Integrating with PostgreSQL database and blob storage allows for efficient data storage and retrieval.

About the next project

We are currently working on our next project codenamed CSV Shaper

ay look I aint gonna lie ion know what browski sirkostya009 meant by this but hey he said we gotta do it so we doing it type Shit 🧑‍🦯